Welcome! You’ve finally found me. I’ve been eagerly working away at releasing my new business name, and it’s now it’s here! Formally known as “Moments for Mamas”, I’m over the moon excited to announce my new business name “1954 Muse – Poetic Imagery.”
When I first started my photography business, my son was a newborn. I feel deep into post partum depression and anxiety, and motherhood was the only thing that consumed me. I thought of Moments for Mamas because quite frankly, it was straight to the point and I felt both challenged and inspired by motherhood. I didn’t think about the lack of inclusiveness, the client demographic doors I was closing, and my future with this business because I honestly didn’t think it would go as far as it has.
I’ve been through different stages of both my business and my own life, and I’ve always tried to make my work represent the ripples my struggles, triumphs, and what lit a fire inside of me. I met a peak in my photography business where I was having a hard time meeting demands and balancing my schedule. I was booked so far in advance and couldn’t catch my breath. Everyone kept saying, “just increase your prices!” But it was so much more than that. I was losing to myself and trying to get through another shoot after another shoot. I was editing the way I thought people wanted, not what my heart was telling me. It drifted away from being a form of artistry and more just a service. This began really eating away at me and everything that really fuels my soul, and what dug me out of my mental health struggles in the first place. Something needed to change.
I began going on a healing journey of de-discovering myself both in my humanity and as an artist. I wanted to find what truly made me happy, and find others who collectively shared joy over the same things. I took apart everything that made me “Moments for Mamas”, and reconfigured everything. What was I truly inspired by?
Brown tones, a touch of grit from grain, the Victorian Era, all things vintage, the Scottish highlands, the way the overcast mist hung low over the mountains, golden light, the flaws from aging, enchanting overcast weather, nostalgia, cottage core aesthetic, slow living, memories of my gramma and the way she practiced presence, homestead lifestyles, folk music, sensual intimacy, classic music, the poetic movement of ballet, being home, the perfection from being imperfect, snippets of my own every day, linen fabrics, warm neutral colour pallets.
Moments for Mamas was no longer. I had completely re-branded who I was as a person and as an artist. I saw so much light within the darkness, and never felt more clear-headed and content with where I was heading. I truly felt healed. When I gave birth to my son, I birthed Moments for Mamas. As time passed and I was out with a lantern searching for myself, a new muse was re-born. 1954 Muse.
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